July 31, 2008

Bloomberg reports that the CDS Clearinghouse will be running by Christmas. The New York Fed issued a press release lauding the plan which includes links to various documents. Of particular interest is:

Incorporating an auction-based settlement mechanism into standard credit derivatives documentation by the end of 2008 to increase the certainty of a transparent and orderly settlement process following a credit event

From the Supplement to the Participants’ Letter:

In relation to the process of incorporating the auction mechanism into the ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions, ISDA reported to supervisors at the June 9 meeting that the working group had taken the decision to move forward, as a first step, with that part of the hardwiring process that will have the greatest impact in a relatively short timeframe. The group will therefore first focus on an Auction Supplement that addresses “Failure to Pay” and “Bankruptcy” Credit Events in respect of North American and European corporates, leaving “Restructuring” Credit Events to be addressed at a later date. A separate working group is addressing the settlement of potential monoline defaults in parallel.

It remains to be seen just precisely how the auction mechanism might work. The question of short squeezes upon a credit event has been previously discussed (update of 2008-3-30); there must be some wiggle-room for protection buyers to delay delivery, otherwise the entire process becomes de-linked from the actual market.

CMHC has announced:

that the Canada Mortgage Bonds (CMB) Program will be expanded to include a CMB with a 10-year maturity.

The CMB Programme buys NHA MBS, which are like American RMBS and finances them (until now) with 5-year paper. The CMHC’s description of this programme is notable for its use of the word “funged”, which is presumably the verbification of “fungible”. The CMB is distinct from the MTN programme which finances training camps for criminals political feel-good projects social housing.

Another solidly up-day for PerpetualDiscounts, again on light volume. For the month, they’re down 3.34% and closed yielding 6.32%, or 8.85% interest-equivalent at the 1.4x conversion factor. Long corporates continue to yield 6.2%, so the PTIE spread is +265bp … well down from the highs, but still well above the previous 10-year peak.

Note that these indices are experimental; the absolute and relative daily values are expected to change in the final version. In this version, index values are based at 1,000.0 on 2006-6-30
Index Mean Current Yield (at bid) Mean YTW Mean Average Trading Value Mean Mod Dur (YTW) Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A
Fixed-Floater 4.69% 4.36% 65,135 16.48 6 +0.1313% 1,090.3
Floater 4.17% 4.20% 56,544 17.00 3 -0.0499% 885.6
Op. Retract 5.00% 4.34% 128,741 3.14 17 -0.1432% 1,039.5
Split-Share 5.36% 6.04% 60,183 4.49 14 +0.2234% 1,034.0
Interest Bearing 6.14% 5.99% 39,684 3.66 3 -0.0336% 1,120.7
Perpetual-Premium 6.07% 6.03% 68,405 10.76 4 +0.3043% 994.4
Perpetual-Discount 6.27% 6.32% 220,664 13.47 67 +0.1594% 847.9
Major Price Changes
Issue Index Change Notes
POW.PR.D PerpetualDiscount -1.7713% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.51% based on a bid of 19.41 and a limitMaturity.
PWF.PR.G PerpetualDiscount -1.1623% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.23% based on a bid of 23.81 and a limitMaturity.
MFC.PR.A OpRet -1.1050% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 4.16% based on a bid of 25.06 and a softMaturity 2015-12-18 at 25.00.
BAM.PR.O PerpetualDiscount -1.0799% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.23% based on a bid of 22.90 and a limitMaturity.
BNA.PR.C SplitShare -1.0680% Asset coverage of 3.2+:1 as of June 30, according to the company. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 8.90% based on a bid of 17.60 and a hardMaturity 2019-1-10 at 25.00. Compare with BNA.PR.A (6.06% to 2010-9-30) and BNA.PR.B (8.56% to 2016-3-25).
NA.PR.L PerpetualDiscount -1.0582% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.52% based on a bid of 18.70 and a limitMaturity.
FFN.PR.A SplitShare +1.1282% Asset coverage of just under 1.6:1 as of July 15, according to the company, with the note: “As at the close on July 17, 2008, there have been material upward movements in the net asset values ranging from 10% to 25%.” Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.55% based on a bid of 9.86 and a hardMaturity 2014-12-1 at 10.00.
SLF.PR.D PerpetualDiscount +1.4164% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.30% based on a bid of 17.90 and a limitMaturity.
SLF.PR.C PerpetualDiscount +1.4229% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.33% based on a bid of 17.82 and a limitMaturity.
ENB.PR.A PerpetualDiscount +1.4280% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.96% based on a bid of 23.44 and a limitMaturity. Trading well through Royal Bank! I can’t get over it!
BNS.PR.K PerpetualDiscount +1.5477% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.94% based on a bid of 20.34 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.G PerpetualDiscount +1.5881% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.87% based on a bid of 19.83 and a limitMaturity.
SLF.PR.E PerpetualDiscount +1.7318% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.26% based on a bid of 18.21 and a limitMaturity.
CU.PR.A PerpetualPremium (for now!) +1.8595% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.98% based on a bid of 24.65 and a limitMaturity.
BMO.PR.L PerpetualDiscount +2.3651% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.18% based on a bid of 23.49 and a limitMaturity. Trading well through Royal Bank! I can’t get over it!
HSB.PR.D PerpetualDiscount +2.8941% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.37% based on a bid of 19.91 and a limitMaturity.
IAG.PR.A PerpetualDiscount +3.0548% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.52% based on a bid of 17.88 and a limitMaturity.
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Volume Notes
BAM.PR.O OpRet 264,526 Anonymous crossed (or bought from another anonymous) 197,000 at 22.75, TD crossed 10,000 at 22.80. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.23% based on a bid of 22.90 and optionCertainty 2013-6-30 at 25.00. Compare with BAM.PR.H (6.44% to 2012-3-30), BAM.PR.I (6.55% to 2013-12-30) and BAM.PR.J (7.11% to 2018-3-30). What is wrong with this picture?
TD.PR.N OpRet 53,600 CIBC crossed 50,000 at 25.87. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 3.92% based on a bid of 25.86 and a softMaturity 2014-1-30 at 25.00.
CM.PR.R OpRet 52,021 CIBC crossed 50,000 at 25.55. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 4.58% based on a bid of 25.55 and a softMaturity 2013-4-29 at 25.00.
BNS.PR.M PerpetualDiscount 32,800 Desjardins crossed two blocks of 10,000 shares each at 18.27. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.19% based on a bid of 18.32 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.E PerpetualDiscount 19,125 Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.83% based on a bid of 20.68 and a limitMaturity.

There were eleven other index-included $25-pv-equivalent issues trading over 10,000 shares today.

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