November 23, 2006

Note that these indices are experimental; the absolute and relative daily values are expected to change in the final version
Index Mean Current Yield (at bid) Mean YTW Mean Average Trading Value Mean Mod Dur (YTW) Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 4.21% 4.13% 32,113 10.43 2 +0.2208% 1,021.3
Fixed-Floater 4.81% 3.92% 110,684 11.25 7 +0.1017% 1,029.1
Floater 4.49% -20.78% 63,527 6.56 5 +0.1028% 1,032.7
Op. Retract 4.66% 1.07% 80,575 2.25 18 +0.1223% 1,028.4
Split-Share 4.97% 3.21% 148,345 3.32 9 +0.0985% 1,034.4
Interest Bearing 6.93% 5.91% 67,380 3.87 7 +0.0061% 1,016.9
Perpetual-Premium 5.07% 3.88% 213,285 4.18 49 +0.0803% 1,044.1
Perpetual-Discount 4.63% 4.65% 1,041,900 16.13 9 +0.0515% 1,036.8
Major Price Changes
Issue Index Change Notes
CM.PR.R OpRet +1.1173% Puzzling. It did this on volume of 2,325 shares, roughly average for this issue, and closed at $27.15-40, 2×7, for a pre-tax bid-YTW of 1.42% based on a call 2008-5-30 at 25.75. This is a somewhat unusual issue, in that the premium decline in the call schedule is only $0.15 p.a. The issue pays $1.238 annually, so even taking the premium decline into account, the cost to CIBC is well above what they would pay to issue retractibles now – assuming that they wanted to issue retractibles. And I certainly wouldn’t be enthusiastically taking the risk, hoping to have obtained a yield of 3.61% should they make it to their soft maturity 2013-4-29! This issue simply looks expensive.
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Volume Notes
BAM.PR.M PerpetualDiscount 181,952 Recent new issue, closed at $24.58-65 for a pre-tax bid-YTW of 4.85%
TD.PR.N OpRet 81,420 A similar story to the CM.PR.R, above. This issue closed at $27.50-65, 40×15, for a pre-tax bid-YTW of 2.18% based on a call 2009-5-30 at $26.00. If it makes it to the soft maturity 2014-1-30, it will have yielded 3.10%, which is no great shakes either … 4.34% interest equivalent (at the Ontario Plutocrat Equivalency), you can buy a bank bond of that tenor that pays more!
CM.PR.I PerpetualDiscount 60,090 Recent new issue, closed at 24.90-95 for a pre-tax bid-YTW of 4.74%.
PWF.PR.L PerpetualPremium 55,900 Closed at $26.55-65, for a pre-tax bid-YTW of 4.33%, based on a call at $25.00, 2015-11-30. Somewhat expensive at these prices, I think.
NSI.PR.C Scraps 50,440 This issue commenced trading 2000-10-2 (by conversion from another series – see the 2000 Annual Report) and trades by appointment, so it was interesting to see Scotia crossing 50,000 at $26.60 today. They closed at $26.06-00 … pre-tax bid-YTW of 3.40% based on a call 2009-5-1, ask-YTW of 1.84% based on the same call. Icky! The fact that the retraction price is lower than the call price makes this one of the more interesting issues to analyze … I’ll have to blog about it sometime.

There were eleven other index-included issues trading over 10,000 shares today.

One Response to “November 23, 2006”

  1. […] Ha! Yesterday I said “This issue simply looks expensive”, and look what happens! I swing a pretty big stick around here, eh? Either that or I’m simply spouting the obvious. The pre-tax bid-YTW is now 2.68%, based on a price of $26.66 and a call at $25.75 2008-05-30. […]

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