Maverecon Removed from Blogroll

I reported Willem Buiter’s move to Citigroup, but neglected to remove Maverecon from the Blogroll … but now that sad task is done.

Dr. Buiter’s valedictory post is entertaining:

The joys of academic freedom and irresponsibility include the ability to participate in public debate using expressive, forceful language, strong metaphors, analogues and similes, to go over the top from time to time, to overstate the case and over-egg the pudding and not to worry about giving offense to the high and mighty. Because of their sheltered existence, academics can be reckless with impunity in their excursions into the forum of public opinion.

Inevitably, during my years with the MPC and the EBRD, both the form and substance of my public statements were more constrained than during my academic episodes before and after. The same will be true during the years to come with Citi.

One Response to “Maverecon Removed from Blogroll”

  1. […] report brokerage analysis on considerations of quality – but I was quoting Buiter before he got the cushy job, so why […]

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