IIAC Releases 4Q08 Industry Report

The Investment Industry Association of Canada has released its Securities Industry Performance Report, 4Q08 with the highlights:

  • Operating revenues and profits fall 7% and 46% respectively from previous quarter and 15% and 39% from 2007.
  • Margin borrowing hits five year low as client debt margin outstanding falls to $8.8 billion at year end
  • Investment banking revenues drops back 33% for the year.

I found the commentary regarding proprietary trading to be of most interest:

Mixed results were witnessed in the principal trading business– while fixed-income desks experienced recent high revenue, their equity counterparts suffered a recent record low. Bond traders were successful in re-balancing inventory positions in advance of changing credit market conditions and were able to earn trading profits in 2008. Equity trading however suffered trading losses of $11 million on the year, the worst showing since 1990.

That’s the danger of day-trading. It’s immensely profitable through the cycle – but you have to have the capital to survive a bad year … or two.

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